Where to next 2023

Well after a really good trip to God’s River / God’s Lake I am really excited for 2023. I have two weeks at remote outposts in NE Saskatchewan on the calendar.

Trip one is a remote outpost through Milton Lake Lodge on Misekumaw Lake. This is a trip that was planned in 2019 with a trip date of 2021. Due to covid this trip has rolled all the way to 2023. Finally able to visit some fantastic pike and trout water. I will be fishing with one of my Canadian buddies (Steve) and 4 new guys from North Dakota.

Trip two is very much an unknown. In 2019 a hunting outfitter from S SK bought access to a remote lake in NE Saskatchewan. He then proceeded to build brand new cabins to host up to 6 people on Burnett Lake. Burnett has had almost no fishing pressure other than an occasional fly-out. This area has a lot of fly out lakes for Scott Lake Lodge and Hatchett Lake Lodge but this body of water and the 2 connected lakes have never really been fished. Super Excited for a late July trip with Marshland Outposts.

Trip three is repeat of last years shallow lake trout and brook trout at God’s River. Again I will be fishing with my son and a couple of other buddies. Going to see if I can travel up river further to find more Brookies with a fall back of hammering 6-15lb Lakers in 5-10 foot of water.

Maybe just maybe a return trip to Alaska too.

2024 is also coming into focus with a June Trip to Cree Lake, Late June to Trout Rock, and maybe a return to Taltson.

Good luck all! Looks like a fun year ahead!
