Taltson 2022

Glorious end to a great day

Sunset on the Taltson River

Overview of Taltson Big Pike Lodge – After a couple of fantastic trips (Cree Lake, SK in June and Alaska in July) I felt like my trip to Taltson in Late August was like the person that visits the buffet line in Vegas one too many times and they instantly regret the volume of food consumed.  I was slowing down a bit. Here’s what got me going, I would be fishing with my cousin’s husband who is a SERIOUS Serious Serious hardcore angler and that is who fits best at Taltson.  I wanted to see what a full week with two hardcore serious anglers since my previous visit in 2019 was cut short by an emergency trip home.  So off I went with two thoughts floating around in my head. 1, I knew the quality of the fishery and 2 I knew quality of fisherman I would be sharing the boat with.  The excitement of 1 meeting 2 was going to be something else!

Getting There – In normal years getting to Yellowknife for a Saturday morning fly-in wasn’t that difficult.  Covid made it more difficult and almost twice as expensive as normal.  Just a whole new world of travel.  I will say completing the ARRCAN app a second time is much easier than the first time.  That’s a plus.  The $1200 flights with an extra connection.  Not so much.

Thats our ride!

Camp life – YES!  Taltson completed the extra bathroom and shower room.  It now features 2 full 3-piece bathrooms and a third shower only room.  They also had a good cook.  She worked hard to make good filling meals with some homemade desserts.  A sample was BBQ ribs / Mashed Potatoes / Mixed Veggies / Fresh green salad / Apple tarts.  The whole operation is solid.  No, it isn’t high-end, but everything was perfectly acceptable.  Yes, I wish they would run the generator at night or setup some batteries to allow power at night but camp wise that is the only significant issue.  Our only significant issue was the boat motors.  They are from 2013-2017 and have seen better days.  They just have too many hours of hard use.  They need to be replaced.  When I brought it up with Garet he said they were in the plans for 2023 to upgrade.

Camp Life

Fishing Techniques – Lots of stuff worked.  Doctor Spoons, Muskie spinner baits, 9 in soft plastics on lead heads, Johnson Silver minnows, and Casting/Trolling Magnum BullDawgs in Green/Chartreuse.  Fishing in the river was excellent.

Built like TANKS!

Wrap – We managed 41 pike over 40.  We easily caught 300-400 pike with many (what I call fun size) 35–39-inch fish that you were never quite sure if they were 37 or 47 until they came to the surface.  It was a good trip despite some weather issues with Rain and Wind, but heck it was late August into September when we were there.  I am planning at least one trip to Taltson in 2023.  I wouldn’t mind two.  Why?  This place fits me.  I want great fishing and nowhere consistently ALL SEASON pumps out more huge pike in Canada.  The camp is functional, and the food is quick and good.  The best part for me is I can be me.  We fished 830a to 1030p everyday with 2×1 hour breaks for lunch and dinner.  No guide telling me how to hold fish.  No guide saving his spots for next week.  No camp enforcing a single hook rule or making me use a hand tied leader.  No food prep / cooking / clean up.  I can eat / sleep / fish.  I guess I am saying I don’t want to play by someone else’s rules.  Taltson just fits me.

I think I have one more Canada trip in me this season.  If the fish gods are willing I will catch a few Brook Trout from God’s River.

Until next year!